Are Remote Tech Support Services Right For You?


Remote tech support services give you access to your own personal IT department at home. Whether you have issues with basic computer problems or you run complicated software that might cause your system to crash, you can use remote tech support services to get your system back online. Before you decide whether or not a subscription to this type of service is right for you, consider the following features of remote tech support.

Annual Subscriptions

Many remote tech support companies provide their services as part of an annual subscription. If you aren't particularly tech-savvy, this may be a good option for you. The cost of the subscription might pay for itself after just one or two service sessions. You'll want to weigh the costs associated with taking your computer in for repairs with the annual cost of a remote computer repair services subscription to see which option is right for you. You may be able to find a company that offers monthly pricing or a free trial, which can help you to make your decision about hiring a tech support company without making the year-long commitment. The prices for these services range between $130 and $200 per year, making them relatively affordable depending on your needs and budget.

Ease Of Setup

Remote tech support companies are able to provide in-depth tech support by running programs on your computer. Some companies require you to install software that runs on your device at all times, while other companies simply have you log on to a secure website to provide temporary access to your device. While running software on your computer might give a tech company more insight as to what is occurring with your device, this also means that you will need to install the software yourself. Be sure to research your tech support service to find out how complicated the setup will be for your services.

24/7 Access

One of the best benefits of using a remote tech support service is that you have access to help any time of day or night. You don't have to worry about contacting the computer or software manufacturer during business hours for support, and you don't have to drag your computer to the nearest repair location for an inspection and quick fix. Whether you experience an issue in the middle of the night or lunchtime, you can get the tech support you need.

If you need support for your computer from time to time, you may want to consider using a remote tech support service to help unravel the mysteries of computer bugs and problems. Use this guide to determine whether a remote tech service is right for you.


2 December 2015

Updating Programs: How a Professional Can Help

About two years into my new business venture, it was obvious that the software I was using no longer met my needs. It still worked well enough, but my business was growing and I needed something with more features. That is where help from a local systems specialist made all the difference. After evaluating my operation, he was able to recommend new software that would work just fine on my network. Best of all, he handled the data transfer overnight. My team signed off the old software the night before and came in the next morning ready to work with the new program. If your business has outgrown the older software, get advice from a professional before buying anything. I'll tell you how going this route meant a seamless transition that allowed us to keep going without adversely affecting any of our customers.